Friday, April 3, 2009

Last night Congress, whom maintains a 30% approval rating with the American people, passed a bill not supported by most of the people in the United States. $3.6 Trillion dollars in spending set forth to mostly entitlement programs and not toward the growth and prosperity of this country and it's citizens. 
Again congress and the President have shown thier agenda is more important than what the citizens of our great nation desire.
We must stop this movement now. No matter your party affiliation, if you believe in what the United States is intended to stand for, if you believe in the principles of what our forefathers built this country on, stand up and stop this government from taking our country down a road we will not be able to return from.

We as a people are still in charge, but as Pelosi, Reed, Frank and OBAMA continue to take our Liberty away, tax our families to support an entitlement society, we will not have a voice much longer.

Join the cause, Unite to Keep the United States a country of, by and for the people, not of the government.

Remind Congress and OBAMA they work for us not the other way around.

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